I need to login to the Comodo Remote Control after I reboot the computer even that I have checked the “keep me signed in”. Is it possible to save the username and password?
Best regards.
I need to login to the Comodo Remote Control after I reboot the computer even that I have checked the “keep me signed in”. Is it possible to save the username and password?
Best regards.
Hi @Noiden ,
May we know what is the version of CRC you are using right now?
its the same before the update and its still the same on the latest version.
C1 token expires in 4 hours, so in 4 hours CRC asks to enter credentials again. In the next release CRC will keep login and password forever.
Aha, ok… And when is that version coming?
Hi @Noiden
Adjustments on the expiration of the C1 token will be implemented this coming last quarter of 2017.