Script Gather System Information for Multiple Devices


Please refer the following script to gather system information for multiple device

Thank you

What is the strong Alphanumeric key required in the above script?..

Hi @RSnumssp

The Alphanumeric key is UID(Unique identification) to the script action that can only be done by that particular user .Let us know if you have any further queries

Thank you

How do we locate this key - or is it something that we define (literally make up?)?

You can define your own key with Minimum 6 in characters .

Thank you

What smtp server is being used in this script - the local ‘head’ computer? . . no password is needed? .

Hi @RSnumssp

Here we have wiki topic regarding this script.I hope this will help you.

Thank you

Yes, that explains it- - thank you!.

You are welcome :slight_smile: