Script Library

Has anyone has any success utilizing any of the scripts on comodos scripts website? I’ve tried several different scripts and have never been able to get any of them to work. Is it as simple as adding a custom script to a monitoring profile and then pasting this code in or are there additional steps?

You’re not alone. Ive tried plenty of the pre-populated Comodo scripts and many of them dont work. There also have been issues trying to get working scripts to run at all. For the longest time ive had to execute a script twice to get it to run once.

Hello @Joners,

Welcome back. We would like to understand more about the issue you have mentioned for us to determine why pre-populated Comodo scripts fails and why you need to run it twice before it works on your environment. In this process we may apply the proper solution to prevent further issue and smooth process to our users. We will be creating a support ticket for you to have more details on this matter. Thank you