Script to deploy a single file from an FTP site to a folder on Windows 7 computers

I’m hoping to get help with a script that will copy a file from an FTP server to a folder in Windows. I’m only suggesting an FTP server because i can’t find any way in iTarian to upload a file anywhere, so i’m assuming it has to be externally hosted. If that isn’t correct i’d love to be able to upload a file to itarian and have the script copy that file to the destination. They are small files, 1MB at most.
If not, FTP is perfect. Let me know if any additional info is needed!


@evan.witek ,

We have communicated with our Scripts team regarding your specific request. Please let us know if this recommendation works for you

Most of that recommended script worked, I’m just having a problem implementing the source being an FTP site. It’s an http url right now, but that is where it is failing. Is there a specific FTP protocol that i need to use?