Script to do multiple tasks

The iTarian RMM already has predefined procedures such as Clear Print spooler, Clear DNS cache, and Clear Windows event Logs. Let’s say for example I want to run these three procedures on every client computer but I don’t want it to run on the same day and the same time.

Is there a way I can create a script where I can add one procedure to my clients account and set the date and time based on the client. Then when that one procedure runs, it will in turn tell the system to run these predefined procedures? I’d like to add multiple procedures but I don’t want to add each of them every time I add a new client.

Hi @Fred

Thank you for the request.

You can schedule three or more procedures in the Endpoint Manager to run at different dates and times. Please refer to the below wiki for scheduling the procedures. But procedure completion cannot be configured to initiate another as per the current implementation.

Alternatively, you can create a combined script to perform all three actions by one and schedule it.

Best regards,

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Is there tutorial about creating a combined script? I think someone told me about it once before but I can’t seem to get it to work the way I did it.

Hi @Fred

Thank you for your comments. Please refer to the attached script to do multiple tasks. The script executes the required windows commands for this purpose. You could try understanding script logic and then customize it.

Best regards,

20200106-Clear_PrinterSpool_DNSCache_EventLogs.json (1.36 KB)

@mkannan , this is perfect.