Script to download file, install and run command


Would be possible to have a script written that will download an installer, install it (with arguments) then run a command line to start the programme.

I’m currently looking at doing this with although hosted on our server

install with argument /verysilent

then once installed run from directory as StopUpdates10.exe /disable


@awardelonex ,

We have forwarded your request to ur Script Developers for analysis. We’ll provide you with their feedback as soon as possible.

Hello @awardelonex

The file url you share has zip file that is corrupted. Couldn’t downlaod it through script. It may considered as unloaded. Kinsly, refer the below link.

Thank you

Would the file link from here work better?

Looks good @awardelonex . Thanks for your qucik reply. Your script will be on your hand very soon.

Thank you

Hello @awardelonex

The script for your request has been completed. Kindly, refer the attached JSON file ( 20190109-stopupdate_app.json ). Kindly, refer the output/script behavior for your reference:

Thank you.

20190109-stopupdate_app.json (4.7 KB)

Thanks so much guys!

Testing this now :slight_smile: