Script to install new Java 191

Java has an update! can I get scripts to update to 32 and 64 bit of the new JRE8 Update 191?

Hey Joey,

Please feel free to refer to, I think it will do what you want. Just grab the URL links for the Java JRE 8 Update 191 for x86 and x64 respectively and put JRE8 Update 191 in the Application title. The silent switch should be /s and you may also want to apply the switch SPONSORS=0 as per

Hope this helps,


Im not good at scripting, I gave it a shot, and it failed, id rather let the scripting guys do this for me lol

Hi @joeyportera,

We will analyze and update the script as soon as possible.


Hi @joeyportera

Good day to you,
I have completed the script to install new Java 191. Refer the below JSON file

Let me know your feedback.
Thank you.

20181022-Java-update191.json (4.52 KB)