Securing IOT devices?

Perhaps this post belongs on another section, but of all the Comodo products are there any which address the growing concerns of IOT devices? I’m not even quite sure what would actually secure these devices except for the standard practices of updating firmware, segmented internal networks, strong passwords, etc - - - perhaps analyzing network usages / detecting unfamiliar ‘behaviors’ to and from such devices? I"m not even sure, but would like to be able to say to a client, that we have that covered too… If not a direct product, perhaps there’s an assessment tool which analyzes all connected devices and reports on the basic vulnerabilities??.. … You can install protection on Windows/MAC/linux - but what about protection/security of the ‘other appliances’? I see some rumblings on Cujo firewall handling some of this, but I don’t see the extent of differentiation. …

thanks, and if you think this post belongs in a more appropriate area - feel free to suggest. …

Hello @evoevoevo
Thank you for your inquiry about the role of the ITSM with IOT devices. Currently, there is no capability (yet) to manage IOT devices. We will reach out to the product development team and get their opinion about it.

Thanks… . Obviously the ever growing popularity and usage, along with all the news (and reality) of their security concerns— seems inevitable this will be highly sought after… Thinking about keeping firmware up to date- perhaps creating a hardware module in C1 at least for the devices of which it currently can be installed on, advising of updates would be a first step. … This is still a hole in our systems as we have to check dell/hp/lenovo devices individually and manually for firmware updates…

thanks Rick!!

Hello @evoevoevo,

We have been informed by our development team that we have added your case ‘Securing IOT devices’ as a feature request. This request is currently on review by our product team and will determine where it will fit best on the product road-map. You can expect to hear back in less than 10 business days with a time-frame for the planned implementation.

We will also send you a support ticket regarding on this case shortly.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.


Yes we have that in development right now, we see this securing the channels between IoT devices and outside services (including device management services as well)
Here the threats can be controlled by
1- IoT device to Device management services (updates, push/pull services): This will be done by successful IoT Device authentication with certificates and also creating
secure & authenticated data transfer between parties
2- Device management portal (or other services, attackers etc.) to IoT device: All external access to IoT device will be managed and controlled by our cloud based firewall.
3- IoT device to other services will work on network level and blocks malicious threats across all IoT devices at the network level.

The backend will be our SIEM where as you stated we will analyze network usages and detect unfamiliar ‘behaviors’. 1-2 will require also working with device providers.
But for 3, it can be used without any integration.

Currently what we have is cWatch Office where we are analyzing and blocking all malicious domain access and also can detect any malicious activity among various devices.
You don’t have to install anything just set router to send DNS request to us and you are ready to go. You can continue with that till we will release cWatch IoT.


Thank you!.. so Comodo has it’s own DNS system acting as a proxy if I understand correctly – is there any lag/delay in going through comodo DNS than say google’s DNS servers? . Also just curious if cWatch IoT is on the roadmap, when is it expected?

Yes we have cDome Shield and here is also the public one:

The delay depends on the location you are, We have good footprint in US as well as EU, we will also expand significantly our PoPs in this year and it will improve delays a lot

cWatch IoT should be expected by the end of this year.