September Review Meeting Notes

Hi everyone,

@nct @dittoit could join this month’s meeting. Thank you very much for your feedback.

As stated on the call,

  • We moved a massive infrastructure from faulty hosting to proper one which reduced the outages significantly.
  • We fixed capacity issues on Service Desk DNS query access.
  • We identified a lot of other capacity / performance issues to be fixed soon.
  • We are working on monitoring items all critical items on each component to not only identify the issues but determine the root causes immediately and take action upon.
We also get 3 open issue ( CS-7314, CS-7254, CS-7324 ) reports from James and 1 ( CS-7227 ) from Alex that we are going to follow up together. Also, Alex had one feature request that is send to support to get recorded.


Hi Ilker,

thanks for the information.
really sorry I could not attend this time, is it possible to get little more notice so we can get more of us on the meetings?

Can we have details on the tickets and features you mention?

Sorry my involvement was limited during the call, but I’m on holiday abroad.

@melih @IIker my SD is still not sending Emails !!! ?? all i want is to send out via 365 with autoresponce when a ticket is created via the CCC icon and in the portal.