[September] What's new on Service Desk?

Hello everyone!

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new releases for the Comodo ONE platform this Saturday (09/22/2018) morning.

Notes about the platform update:
Once it starts, the platform will be on maintenance mode for 4 hours (early hours of the day, US Eastern time). We expect to have no service outage in general. If you observe any brief connectivity issues, please retry later in the day.

So, here are the news!

New Features:

  • Ticket Resolution: Resolution information is now available for the close ticket event. When closing a ticket, you can now enter resolution information. The resolution will be shown in ticket threads and is available as a filter option. You can define a default resolution for the ticket auto-close feature.
  • Finance: ‘Finance’ menu item. New item with two submenus: ‘Cost’ and ‘Contracts’. The existing cost and contract reports have been moved from the reports section to the ‘Cost’ submenu. Contracts have been moved from the staff panel to the new ‘Contracts’ submenu.
  • Contracts Improvements: We are happy to announce that contracts are now editable. In addition, overall prepaid hours can be set for all the service types.


Well needed but now the structure of SD and location of each app needs to be addressed so it sticks to GDPR and Cyber Essentials