Service Desk Custom Pages/Links

Hi all,

I am curious as to adding custom pages under the Service Desk - Admin - Manage - Pages. I added a page type “other” and added content. However, I dont see how to publish that link anywhere on the Service Desk Portal. Is this possible? What is the point of creating a site page of “other”. I’d even just be happy with adding custom links to the Service Desk header (where yellow highlight is in this image)


Hi @eztech,

Service Desk allows you to create ‘Other’ pages so that you can create a page with General Content for your Service Desk users in which you can use the link as part of your Landing or Thank You or Offline page. The content may be Policies, Guidelines, Penalties Etc that you would like them to know in using the Service Desk. When inserting the 'Other" page you created, you just use the ‘Insert Link’ on the ‘Page Body’ then save the changes and you will immediately see it on your Service Desk page. Hope this helps on how ‘Other’ pages can be utilized.

We will be contacting you thru email for your idea on adding custom site links on the Service Desk Header. Thank you.