Service Desk - Email Alert Subject

If you configure the Service Desk to send ticket notification alerts to your email, the subject line is “New Ticket Alert” for all notification emails. Depending on the MSP or Corporate Admin usage of this platform, this could make the email notification alerts overwhelming. If you configure procedures to submit a ticket upon the conditions and also have end users sending tickets via the system tray icon or the web, all the tickets look the same unless you open each one.

Personally, I feel all tickets are very important. Otherwise, you would not configure procedures to create system generated tickets. But, if an end user submits a ticket for assistance, in many cases this would be a ticket you would want to address before reviewing the system generated ticket. I know this concern is better distinguished if you login to the Service Desk, but we setup email notifications to let us know when we need to login. I may push system tickets to a time in my day that is slower, but user tickets generally need immediate attention and I would be prompted to login at the moment.

I would at lease recommend marking the subject line differently. For example, maybe for user submitted tickets “New Ticket Alert” and for system generated tickets “New System Generated Alert”. Ultimately, this might be an option to let the MSP or System Admin in the Corporate side to decide when configuring the Service Desk and the procedures and alerts within the ITSM. Then the MSP can set the importance based on an individual alert for ITSM procedures, Web Submitted Tickets, System Tray Tickets, and so on.

Just another feature to make this platform that much more advanced and setting the bar for allowing MSP and Admins to manages clients and networks with the least amount of administrative effort.
