Service desk keeps logging me out

As the title suggests every 30 mins maybe a bit more i keep getting logged out with a login screen, so i switch to the RMM and back to the service desk and i can edit tickets but this is screwing up my times on jobs and cant seem to edit the time as before the update.

Any one got any ideas of this auto sign out to be turned off?

Good day @monster-it ,

Thank you for your feedback.
We already have it as a feature request to have the ability to adjust the session time out interval of SD;
as an admin, to be able to set a timeout time to decide log out time when no action is taken on SD
Support team will get in touch with you shortly thru email to add you on the loop on the said request.

Thank you.

Every time I try to edit a ticket, the service desk logs me out and prompts me to log back in, very frustrating when there is no bulk edit way of editing tickets as I am being logged out for each ticket edit…

Hello @jessie ,

We’ve created a ticket on your behalf.
Please respond to the email we’ve sent you for further help.

Thank you.

This is a bug we have raised with development as it needs urgent attention as this is a game changer.

Some days this is OK and other days you almost cannot use it for being constantly logged out.