Service Desk Roadmap


We have launched the Service Desk module within our organization with more than 700 users, yet and this is totally understood that there are multiple feature requests coming from users on the system and we get responses that it’s already on the roadmap with a certain priority.

Is there a link that we can see the actual roadmap for the system to be a reference for us with any feature request?

@kaan_comert Can you help?

Hello @abey,

C1 Roadmap to be made Public is still on the works and currently shows on the road-map with the following implementation timeline: {Mid-Term (6 to 12 months)}. We will contact you as soon as this timeline becomes more accurate.

Though we do have a voting page for feature requests (using your Comodo One credentials). You may view and suggest a feature or even
cast a vote for other functionalities that other MSPs are looking into.

Thanks, @Anna_C
The voting page also will be helpful.

Hello @abey

Thank you for your message!

We would like to arrange a call to talk to you about the feature requests you mentioned in other posts. Could you please share your available times for next week so that we can discuss about your ideas and feedback about Service Desk?

Best Regards,

Product Manager, ITarian

Sure, BegumB.
Would you please message me with your email address to communicate with you ?

Sure, @BegumB
Would you please message me with your email address to communicate with you ?

Hello @abey !

Thank you! I’ve just sent out a DM with the email information.


Product Manager, ITarian