Service Status Page is Now Available!

Hi everyone,

We are happy to anounce our new service status page that will be showing real time availability of Comodo One and all sub-components(ITSM, Service Desk, CRM etc.).

Initial version of the page is released now! Please click on this link to see servise status of all modules in real time

Our development team is currently working on the design and functionality of the page. We would like to hear all your feedback and suggestions to better improve it.

Best Regards,
Comodo ONE Product Team

Great to see this has been introduced earlier than planned, but it seems to be hosted on Amazon. In the event of an Amazon outage, it should be located on another provider’s server, shouldn’t it?

Nice, please change time to 24 hour, and it shows a yellow on ITSM, but there is no explanation on why it is yellow ??

@dittoit ITSM was down earlier, but now seems to be working.

@ElifAyhan You definitely need to improve the design and info provided too. Please see examples:

Good to have.

1- Set time to general UTC or GMT
2- Set time format to 24 hours.

Hi all,
Thank you for your inputs. Definitely we will work on the design. We wanted to provide the information as soon as possible. That is why; as @nct indicated we announced before our planned date but we are still working on better design and open to suggestions.
Time is given in UTC. We preferred not to give time in 24 hour format because US customers don’t like that format.
On Amazon, we are using another availability zone to present status page.
Status page is giving current status. Yellow means some Minor Glitches that we are working on it but definitely you will not feel it. Example is remaining data storage is less than 10% and if we don’t extend the data storage in one month we might have an outage.

C1 Program Management