Sessions Screen

  1. The Session source seems to be always Inbound instead of Outbound (ex. when I TakeOver or when I run a Job/Procedure)
  2. Is it possible to display the duration of the sessions (waiting, established). This helps senior staff identify sessions that are taking too long and offer assistance. Also it helps in calculating KPIs (assuming this info is logged and can be queried).
  3. Is it possible to display the assigned technician name?
  4. Is it possible to have audible alert + popup when there is a new inbound session (initiated by the end user)?
  5. Is it possible to have audible alert + popup when there is a new chat message (both technician console & end user agent)?
  6. Is it possible to have audible alert + popup when a user sends a chat message and the support session interface is hidden?
  7. A user can send chat messages even when no technician is assigned. It might be better to delay this till after a technician is assigned.
  8. Is it possible to add session/chat history for the Technician?
  9. Is it possible to add predefined chat messages for the Technician?
  • Looks like an improvement point that needs to be addressed quickly.
Rest is not implemented yet, but would be considered as new feature / improvement points.