SIEM, SOC - SOCaaP (SOC as a Platform) for MSPs.

Zero capital outlay and zero expertise required! Just open an account on the platform and you are now an MSSP!

You can become an MSSP now. You can now offer full blown SIEM, SOC services.

Complete SOC platform!

Hi Melih,

Can you perhaps extend on the announcement and add a bit more detail, break this down into a few simple lines and let us know more information and explanations about what you have on offer.

Does this integrate with the platform or is it a separate login/product/web interface?
Does it replace or is it in addition to the managed (paid) comodo security client we have within our platform already?
Whats the up-sell or advantage for us and most importantly for out clients, value-add, free, add on ?
Why choose this against the competition?

I’m a small operator and work with several other msp’s also with other rmm products and its better to be able to compare offerings and benefits, so far I’ve yet to swing other msp’s over to Itariarn but its slowly catching up, each release is a bit better each time, waiting for the new format platform release etc.

Just to add one point, it is frustrating to have links going to the Dragon Platform, then back to Itarian and everything in between, should it just be a single platform for all, or why the different product namings?
Is it msp vs enterprise thing?
Even this forum has links to dragon/comodo (many dead links as well)


Its a whole new platform (as it needs to be). Its a very sophisticated product and there is nothing like it in the market today.
This includes the endpoint security etc. This is the ultimate security money can buy today!
Its the difference between having a burglar alarm vs having a full managed service alarm and monitoring system. There are many companies that require compliance and this will help with that.
There is simply no competition to choose from. There are “SIEM” products…and people go buy a SIEM product and create a frankstein of a solution and then sell that service to other MSPs. This is costly and home made vs this natively built platform where everything works together from SIEM to Case Management. There is nothing like this in the market.

We will improve with each release. If there are specific requests you need to enable some of your msp partners, let us know we can prioritize them higher.
Also, we are planning on launching a brand new ticketing system where you can press “edit” and modify the ticketing application flow to suit your needs! Fully customizable ticketing system, which will then be fleshed out to provide full blown PSA. Our aim is to provide everything an MSP needs.

We just upgraded . No other RMM company offers free script writing for its customers to my knowledge. Itarian has a team of people who writes these and we do NOT charge for that. Look at all these automation scripts are now categorized on “task oriented” nature.

We also separated them as “Monitoring” vs “Action” where you can easily find and deploy the automation you need.

Dragon vs Itarian

Comodo and Itarian are two different companies
Comodo is a cybersecurity platform company.
Itarian is an IT Management platform management company

Itarian has integrated Comodo products into Itarian (some well and some not so well integrations).

Itarian as the IT management platform has many components in it, cybersecurity platform is one of them and that cybersecurity platform is “Comodo Dragon Platform”.
The Dragon platform is used both by MSPs as well as Enterprises. Dragon platform has many MSP friendly licensing capabilities built into it.

PS: you can PM me to discuss further if you wish.