Hi, is SOCaaP comply to GDPR or it is intended to US market only ? Thanks
I presume from this video about an UK company using SOCaaP ( https://youtube.com//watch?v=CCPeBpit5fU) that the product it is ready for GDPR. Is it correct ? Thanks
Yes we are ready for GDPR, your events & logs will be stored in EU
This brings up a question about our current ITSM tenant. When we originally setup on Comodo it was before the launch of ITarian and so our tenant is currently located on the European servers but we are based in the US as are all of our customers. We looked at migrating to the US servers but that would require a redo of our MacOS based endpoints last time we talked to tech support about it. Is that still the case and if so, is there any impact on us continuing to run on the EU servers in light of SOCaaP?
Currently we store the data based on MSPs selection but not each of its customers. So all of your customers data will be stored either in US or in EU