Staff members - how to change role/department

Hi All,

I have been trying to figure out how to assigned staff members different roles and departments. I have two helpdesks and need to break them up into two departments, with there own managers and roles.

The documentation is not correct,
Thanks in advance.

I need to change staff to different departments too.

there is no possible way to do it today. can this be fixed?

I have created two separate emails, one for each helpdesk but as everyone is under the same department autoresponses/updates will go to everyone.

Hi @helpdesk3 and @wmramos, the ability to change the department of a Staff member (which is created from the C1 Portal) is currently on our road-map. This feature has a planned release by Q2 of 2018. We have added you on the list to be updated should there be any changes or updates for the said feature.

They may introduced a bug because I used to be able to change the role from the Staff screen but that is no longer the case.

Hi @cascademanagement, we appreciate your feedback and we will ensure that this will reach our developers to be prevented.

On the other hand, thru the Staff screen you can edit the Name, Email and Role of a staff. However, the ability to change the department is still on the road-map.

Thanks for the replies. However you can not change the role from the staff screen.

You can change the role in the Portal but you can not change the role in the service desk, there is no drop down to change it. It sticks with a default role and department…

Again, I believe that they introduced a bug in the last update (This last weekend) because I used to be able to adjust the ROLE from the staff screen in Service Desk.

Support ticket opened for BUG: Ticket ID: NBN-273-12543

Hopefully they can fix that at least.

Open a support ticket so that they know this is an urgent issue.

Hi @helpdesk3, you can reply to the support ticket that was created should you have additional concern.

@cascademanagement, we appreciate the information and we will have the team look into ticket and have the details forwarded to our developers.