Stopping the Timer

Is there some way to stop the timer that starts when opening tickets?



Hello David,

If you are referring to the timer that is set for the tickets until they expire this setting is controlled from Admin Panel > Manage > SLA Plans; details can be found here:
After this is done you can go to Admin Panel > Tickets > change the Default SLA (here you can use the custom created one)

In case this is related to the timer that start when a ticket is received, you can try to create a Ticket Filter and assign the ticket to another user (thus pausing it); mode details about this can be found at:

Just hit the stop button if it is assigned to you. or hit cancel when leaving/saving a ticket on the time stuff and it doesn’t record any time.

It is for the one that records the amount of time spent on tickets for billings. Yes I can keep clicking stop or pause but it gets a bit tiresome when going in or out of tickets or even when closing a ticket.



You could use a workaround, assign the ticket to another user, thus pausing the ticket. This solution has a drawback since you will have to log in with that user in order to be able to delete the ticket if required.

Additional details can be found at: Ticket Filters, Information Technology Helpdesk, Comodo One
We also attached a document that might make the situation clearer.

GBS-CannotdeleteticketsinServiceDesk-150916-0742-74.pdf (90.6 KB)