Sub Groups under Device List


Is it not possible to create sub groups under the device list?

We are not using MSP for this instance, it’s professional.

I have a tree like this,

  • Default company
    • Department 1
    • Deparment 2
    • Department 3
But I wan't to add a sub group to Debartment 1, like this,
  • Default company
    • Department 1
      • Devices with other profiles
    • Deparment 2
    • Department 3
So I can have different profiles automatically from the device group but still have them under the same department.

Hello @Noiden,

At the moment this feature is not yet available for an Enterprise account. We will create a feature request for your suggestion that will be review by our development team. Thank you

Group in group for both devices and users.
Some profiles I set in all groups, which is kinda annoying.

@fve ,

We thank you for sharing your ideas on this kind of setup. We’ll forward your request to our Developers and keep you posted of their feedback on this functionality request and its timeline implementation on the production environment.