Submit Ticket feature not including Company name when an end user submits a ticket

So I have noticed that whenever an end-user right clicks on the RMM Icon on the taskbar and goes to submit a ticket, the info that we are receiving in the service desk isn’t including the company name for the computer that is submitting it. It has all the other data, just not the company. It claims at the bottom that it will include Company, Device name and owner by default, but it doesn’t.
The only way to get the company name to be included in the email is to have them checkbox the box that includes the device data. Then the ticket comes in with the company data.

Is this by default? It would be nice to have the company info be included automatically so that we can parse the ticket info and sort them by company or other data means.

Hello @ZionIT ,

Yes, Company and owner info are part of ‘Device Data’ Section. If the user will not check the box, it will not appear on the ticket.

This is actually a good input. We`ll coordinate with you via support ticket for this request.
Feel free to reply at your convenience.
