System Users attached to organizations in SD - Some have 3 some have none

Can we break this down so that we understand what if any system generated users for an organization are needed. I have orgs that have none and some that have all 3.

Email addresses associated with users are:

What ones are needed? What is each one of these for? What if an organization doesn’t have any of these? Can’t make any sense out of it

Creating a new Organization in SD does NOT create it globally but it does create 2 email addresses.


Creating a new Organization in C1 first does not create ANY users like when created inside SD itself

Do we know the impact of these users missing?

Seems significant.

Also, none of the fields but Organization name populate into SD Organization entry. Which make affect the ability to create these users. We need to map the C1 fields (add fields missing from SD, ITSM, CRM, etc) to those fields within each module so that updating at least at the C1 level updates the rest. Ideally, sync from modules to C1 level and then routine for C1 to modules can run and update the others.

We need to understand what impact there is when C1 routines create org entries in each module. This needs tested and I would say could be MAJOR IMPACT to ALL C1 USERS.

Hi @azon2111 - Default SD email address for Service Desk alerts and notifications Default ITSM email address for ITSM alerts - Default C1 portal email address for portal alerts

Below default addresses initially used to create RMM alert tickets on behalf of organization .


Please refer screenshot

If organization created in C1 portal or if organization have improper domain name field(agent.monitor@ORGNAME) in SD then default user and email address would be

Please refer

Yes, While creating organization in C1 portal, these default email addresses are not being generated and organization fields except name are not passed to SD organization .
We will check this with our internal team and update you.


Can you also see about running some sort of batch process to fix/create all of these email addresses correctly and in the correct places.

What about the fact that all rmm generated tickets coming in are attached to the same organization. Do we build out “Deafult User” manually to fix all this mess?


Also how do we set the default user info for each of these to be something other than these above or is that by design?

Follow-up to this: NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE - Default SD email address for Service Desk alerts and notifications (to whom and from whom? , why would you need this within an organization record?) Default ITSM email address for ITSM alerts (only alerts I ever receive are from SD from monitoring alerts, can you provide examples of what types of emails should come from this? can you tell me why this would be in an organization record in SD? Is it something in ITSM company record?) - Default C1 portal email address for portal alerts (why would you need this within an organization record inside SD or ITSM?)

Below default addresses initially used to create RMM alert tickets on behalf of organization.

agent.monitor@DOMAINNAME (if these are missing should we add them and to what modules or how do we fix these missing?)
agent.patchmanagement@DOMAINNAME (if these are missing should we add them and to what modules or how do we fix these missing?)

Please be very clear as to what emails should be in what modules for each organizational record. I am pretty sure that the errors in my records are a source for other issues.

Thank You.

Hi @azon2111

agent.monitor@DOMAINNAME (if these are missing should we add them and to what modules or how do we fix these missing?)
agent.patchmanagement@DOMAINNAME (if these are missing should we add them and to what modules or how do we fix these missing?)

Ideally these two should be in SD organization record as default users.

Yes, These are missing in the organizations which are created from C1 portal. I have informed internal team for the fix. - Default SD email address for Service Desk alerts and notifications (to whom and from whom? , why would you need this within an organization record?) generally used in service desk email communication with respect to alerts and notification for staff as well as ticket users.

If organization created in C1 portal or if organization have improper domain name field(agent.monitor@ORGNAME) in SD then default user used for naming RMM generated ticket user (Default ticket user) . This is also going to be fixed. Default ITSM email address for ITSM alerts (only alerts I ever receive are from SD from monitoring alerts, can you provide examples of what types of emails should come from this? can you tell me why this would be in an organization record in SD? Is it something in ITSM company record?)

For example,

You can configure additional recipients in ITSM alerts so that you will receive email upon alert generation, - Default C1 portal email address for portal alerts (why would you need this within an organization record inside SD or ITSM?)

It should not be within organization record.i have Informed internal team about this.