Takeover with RMM Plugin


We have been facing situations when using the Takeover feature with RMM plugin that we get inconsistent outcomes:

a) When we initiate connection, we see the “RMM TC successfully started” message, followed by the “Please Wait Connecting to Remote Client” and the RMM Console loads but nothing happens after that.

b) The status in the RMM Console also will show “Taking Over…”

c) Then we will also get the message “Device already in session with another console” although no one has an active connection.

Is there a way to terminate sessions from somewhere or monitor these sessions ?

Appreciate if someone could shed some light on what is going on.


Hi @jsa.isme

I have forwarded your queries to support team. They will get in touch with you shortly .


Alloand good afternoom Mr mkannan im using
RMM console but i have a problem i can get remote desktop conection with the other pc but i cant see the screen in the othe pc everything is back im sending a creen shot of this the othe pc is a vm on virtual box , if yoy could hel i would be gratefull thank you

@goodguy2 We have contacted you via e-mail in order to further analyze the issues you have encountered.