Temporary Outage in Remote Control for EU instance


We are sorry to inform you that there is an ongoing outage in using Remote Control for EU instance as confirmed by the Development Team. Please let us know if any US instance faces this issue. We are working hard to resolve this unforeseen issue and will update all once issue is fixed.

Kind Regards,

this is a disaster 2 days down, we cant work, and dont ask me to open a ticket FFS

Are we going to get an UPDATE???

This is very frustrating. Just as well as I have team viewer installed on my customers pc’s.

at this point i wonder if teamviewer bought this to burn it to the ground so we switch

Hi @CompuWhizz, @graemethomas

Good day!

Our development team is still working on fixing this issue. We have created a support ticket for as well as the others who have reported the same issue. You will receive a direct notification via your forum registered email once we receive a positive update from our development team.

Thank you.

Good day to everyone.

We would like to reiterate, as of this posting, that the XMPP server outage which prevented the use of the Remote Control application has already been addressed by the responsible team. We recommend that the affected users (who are wholly in the EU instance) should check the Remote Control app’s functionality for verification.

If, somehow, this is not the case for you, please reach out to us and we will investigate further your situation.

Thank you all for your patience and support.

Break down of cause and fix?

Hello @CompuWhizz, we have been informed by our development team that there was an XMPP server issue and it was fixed by rebuilding the XMPP server.

PS. All customers which still have an issue should restart machines. If it does not help, please inform us and our development team will investigate the issue with the logs needed.
Thank you all for your patience and support.