Ticket source email address

Just trying the service desk and all tickets that come in show the same originator email address (our login one). So when we attempt to create a response, the reply email is us. Where does the service desk pick up the creators email address from and where in Itarian is there an option to create one for each endpoint?

Hi @Ed_Johnson

In Service Desk, choose the admin section from the left hand side.

I believe their is then a section called email where you can configure your SMTP and Pop settings.

Once these are done emails are read from the Pop account and tickets created using these details.

Endpoint Manager (CCC) creates a ticket using the email address of the user assigned to the enrollment of the agent.

So if you created a user called Bob with email bob@bob.com in company bobbob the the ticket will be assigned to company bobbob and user Bob and his email.

Hope this all makes sense.