Tickets stuck Open or Paused?

I have tickets generated from web portal I cannot get closed?

I have an Auto assign filter on these tickets as well. Can you not use auto assign and then be able to close the tickets?

I did the auto assign so I would get the notifications on the Android app.

Try to enable the ‘Stopwatch’ setting. That’s in ‘Service Desk’ → Settings → Tickets.
Auto-assign is not a setting that affects the action to close tickets.

You have to make sure you enable the stop watch to un pause the ticket. Also, it can be problematic if the ticket isn’t owned by you. You would need to someone get control of that users account to unpause the ticket. It would be nice if “admin” level servicedesk users had the ability to manually unpause a ticket and re-assign it to prevent this.

stopwatch did the trick…Thank you very much!