Hello @JoeEvens ,

I am doing well, how about you?

Sorry for keeping you awaited. Please see my comments below.

Enrollment wizard should include customer selection -> short term (6 months) (We will most probably release this feature in Q2 major release in the middle of June. )

Easier to move between Sites (customers) and subgroups -> short term (6 months)

Manage Profiles for Company and Multiple Groups -> We are working on a solution to assign profiles to devices, customers or devices groups easily in a different way. Customers will be able to see the number of devices which is assigned to a specific profile at the Profile table, assign new devices, device groups, customers to Profile and remove existing devices from Profile under Profile page.
short term (6 months) (We will most probably release this feature in the Q2 major release in the middle of June. )

Thank you so much for your help.
Best Regards,