Trouble with powershell command in script

Hi, trying to modify the “To Display 10 Most Recent Application Errors Logs from Event Viewer” script.

I am using powershell command Get-Winevent with an XML filter and it errors out on me. How do I format this? Here is the offending line:

ps_command={r'Get-WinEvent -FilterXml '<QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Application"><Select Path="Application">*[System[(Level=1  or Level=2 or Level=3)]]</Select><Select Path="System">*[System[(Level=1  or Level=2 or Level=3)]]</Select></Query></QueryList>' |Where-Object { $_.TimeCreated -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-15) }'}

@HTS_Dave ,

Apologies for the late response. Please try this modified procedure from our Scripts Team and provide us your feedback at your convenience.

20200217-Run_powershell_command_with_xml_filter.json (2.54 KB)

No problem on late response, working on this in spare time. This does work for us.

We’re trying to figure out how to run this in response to an event log alert being triggered, and have it email the results. No luck so far as I don’t have the option to email remediation script results, which would be really handy for other stuff as well.

We’ll probably end up trying to get the individual event log monitors set up as specific Event ID queries using this script. My concern is that it will have a system performance hit due to the agent hitting the system with this query for dozens of individual event ID’s every 15-30 minutes. The problem is the event log monitors themselves force you to log in and find the associated events. This script at least lets us bring the event descriptions into Comodo to review, but our preferred method which we have used on other RMMs is to email the results where we can easily view and sort.

Hi @HTS_Dave,

We have forwarded your feedback to our script developers. We will provide you update regarding this once we get from our team.

Kind Regards,

Hi @HTS_Dave,

Our script developers had modified the script. please check this and let us know your feedback

Kind Regards,

20200225-Run_powershell_command_with_xml_filter.json (5.69 KB)

is the payload in base64? couldn’t decode it in cyberchef

Hi @InfoSecAdmin,

Please check this wiki guide to import the JSON file

Kind Regards,