Unable to connect to the admin console

I can not log into the admin console, keeps saying that there is a connection error, but everything else works. Is there a problem with anyone elses services??

Hello @BOSS

We have tested and tried to reproduce this behavior, but we were unable to do so. Are you able to ping or RMM Servers from your machine?

Seems to be working now? Must of been a fluke.

I have the problem again, at one location. I have not made it on site yet, will be next week, unless something happens, but all the devices from one location is showing unavailable from the admin console, but online on the ITSM interface. I was logged into the location today doing some stuff, and and all was good. I called them, there is nothing wrong with their internet, and I can reboot systems from inside ITSM interface, with the reboot function. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue before?? I will likely reboot the UTM after they close for the evening, hoping this will solve the issue, as I have not made any changes to any settings. I will keep you updated to my findings, but feel it will be something within the edge device.

Hello @BOSS

Among the first steps would be to try and see if the connection to our RMM servers is available from the location.I assume you already have the IP address, but please let us know if we need to send them to you.

I do not have the IP’s, but so far a reboot of the UTM has it running again. I will monitor to see if I have any other issues like that.

The one location done it again, I can remote in with the new client viewer, but the admin console shows everything as down at the one location, and I can not connect. I guess I may need to settings to put in my firewall to try. Seems weird that it just started, and one happens at this one location. It lasted for two days, and went down again. They still show as up in the ITSM, allowing me to connect with the viewer.

Hello @BOSS ,

Please make sure that the following ports are opened for outgoing connections to the following IPs in order to make sure that the RMM agent is not being blocked by a firewall:
Ports: 443 and 8080


I made sure all the ports and ips were in my firewall, bypass rules, and all, but I am still losing connectivity to your servers from this one location only. It started after the last update, and I had not changed anything. If I wait long enough, it may come back online, but it shows up in ITSM, and I can sometimes connect with the new ccv. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas, as I am skeptical, since this is the only service that is failing, and we do a lot of online stuff. While it is down, I can not ping your IPs. If I reboot my UTM, it will stay up for about 1-2 days. Like I say, RDP to other locations are fine, all websites come up fine, I can sometimes remote in with the CCV, Anyway, this issue sems weird, and I will continue to look deeper into it, but wanted to put this out there to see if anyone has any ideas I may of missed. Thanks.

I can ping some of your IPs, but some most fail.

Hello @BOSS ,

We will contact you over email to get more info that will help us troubleshoot this issue.