Unable to Setup SMTP

SMTP connection testing keeps failing

Seems like a straight forward process.

Tried using Gmail and Zoho SMTP servers/accounts.

Is this working? Thanks.

Hello @azon2111,

We appreciate for bringing this to our attention. Yes, the service is working. You may refer to the link below for additional details on how you may set up SMTP.


We also created a support ticket for you to further understand the issue that you are having and provide further assistance. Thank you

I am replying to a SUPER old post (sorry if this has been posted already) I know…however I brought it from the dead because I ran into this issue and I am a new user of the platform. Though it may be helpful to others. The long and short if that if you’re using Gmail as your SMTP server you may have to generate an App Password to use with Itarian in place of your actual password for Gmail. Steps listed in the post below.
