Uninstall Avast


Looked around but couldn’t find the script.
Can you make a script to uninstall avast.


Hi @focuspc ,

We will analyze and update the script request shortly.

Thank you.

Hello @focuspc,

Please refer to the attached bat script to uninstall Avast. Currently, there is no way to uninstall the Avast antivirus silently, it prompts a message to restart in windows safe mode.The Avast removal itself work with windows safe mode only. The blocking issue is that AV(Avast) services, folders and registry keys are being hidden and virtual and can be stopped and identified as only if we work in safe mode boot operation. We got a way to automate uninstalling Avast with safe mode, as ITSM does not support safe mode operation, you need to run the script manually to your endpoint with safe mode boot up.

Thank you and please let us know if the given script works for you, looking forward to your response.

avastuninstall.zip (811 Bytes)