Uninstall Comodo Client Security

I’m trying to uninstall Client security without uninstalling Client Communication. I’ve tried the following scripts (running as System User) and they are both coming back with “No Installation Found”.

( I modified the second one to only remove “COMODO Client - Security”

Can someone please take a look at those scripts and verify they work? I’ve tried it on around 10 endpoints with no luck.


Hi @easterntech50
While waiting for the script developers to check on the linked scripts, may we suggest to you to utilize the MS FixIT Tool for installation/removal issues. The downside is that you will have to manually perform this one endpoint at a time.


We are checking this scripts with all environment, will update you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Hai @easterntech50 ,
Your request has been analysed and completed please refer this following link for the script https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/uninstall-comodo-client-security Please Provide your feedback
Thank You,

Hai @Bouch ,

Sorry for the inconvenience please refer the following link for uninstalling Comodo Client Security https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/uninstall-comodo-client-security-from-endpoint-without-reboot

For anyone having the same issue and also a note for the devs.

I have found that if you re-brand CCS under the UI section in the profile settings, e.g I had re-branded to “ProvidingIT - Client Security”, the name of the installed program listed under control panel > programs and features will also change to your branding, as a result the scripts wont find CCS on the system as it looks for “Comodo - Client Security”. To try and get around this I modified the scripts and changed the “Comodo - Client Security” to “ProvidingIT - Client Security” but this did not help as I probably got something wrong in the script ^-^. Workaround I currently use is to remove my branding, wait a couple of minutes for the changes to take effect on the client end and then run the script.

I have also found that after re-branding, other changes made within the configuration profile aren’t always applied, e.g enabling the firewall in the profile won’t enable the firewall on clients that have been re-branded. Also, if you password protect CCS, profile changes aren’t implemented on the client side, e.g I tried to activate containment for a client, shortly after got a call from them because off of their PC’s were getting popups from CCS asking for a password. After removing password protection containment activated on the clients after which I could activate password protection again. Good to see that password protection is working but surely changes from the profile shouldn’t require password input on the client end :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you @providingit for sharing with us your observations. Your input is important to us as it will definitely help improve the usefulness of the C1 platform for the whole community.

Rest assured that your observations will be forwarded to our product development team for further analysis.

Hello! I need help please, we are wanting to Uninstall Comodo Client Security through the COMODO Portal An IT and Security Manager, but I do not see a script to uninstall without removing the COMODO Client Communicator. We do not want to remove by Add / Remove Programs, I want to remotely uninstall COMODO Client Security! Do you have any procedure to help us? thank you Support Center ALVESNET - Brazil

@alvesnet ,

You can utilize this script procedure https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/uninstall-comodo-client-security-from-endpoint-with-reboot . This will reboot the machine.
Please review NOTE, since there might be an instance that you will need to run the script again.

Does not work for me.

2018/09/30 05:18:41 PM Finished success Comodo Client Security is not installed at End point

Hi @smartcloud

We will check and update to you.
Thank you.

Hello @alvesnet

Kindly, please refer the link to uninstall CCS without reboot.


Actually, when uninstalled CCS we made it to restart which very effective to remove all the files completely. When system is restarting, the communication between ITSM and to the device will break down.
So, for your convenience we modified it in the way it will uninstall CCS without reboot so that you will be having healthy communication with your system.

Thank you,

Hello @smartcloud

Kindly, please make sure that CCS is installed in your endpoint without lag and make sure that you have re-started your endpoint after proper installation for all the necessary files to take settle down on the allotted place on the system.

Please do test the procedure once again with all the things above are good.

Thank you.

Have you tried what I suggested here in your other post @smartcloud?

Hi @smartcloud

We apologize for your inconvenience, please refer the below JSON file to achieve your need.

Let me know your feedback.
Thank you

20181003-Uninstall-ccs.json (5.75 KB)


Thank you very much for your detailed response even it was a crappy one. We felt very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. As @Rick_C mentioned kindly do refer your another post Or if you feel this also crappy one, @Prabakaran shared a json file with the modification you can simply run it.

Thank you for your patience.

Never saw that.
I will try that. Thanks.

Its really frustrating when you try to run the scripts and they dont work.
Then after working with support and others the response from support is: Check to see if you have CCS installed.
Come on, what kind of response is that. Its in the same category as “is your computer turn on”.

Thank you for your response.

We feel very sorry about this. Actually, we faced the same problem our side many times as you said then we restarted the machine and re-installed CCS so then it was working. We thought it might be the problem on your side. We have been working here to solve your issues as soon as possible. So, we thought that might be the problem and so that you will be cleared from this issue and you will be satisfied.

I hope now you will be cleared from the issues you faced. If not yet, we will be ready to hands-on with the remote session.

You (the customers) are very precious to us. Sorry if any of our services was disappointing you. Please give us a chance we are here to serve you better. We will stand on your side to allow you to experience all kind of benefits we have.

Thank you very much. Have a good day.

I hope you can see the huge difference between your response and the previous one I thought was poor.
Great response and thank you so much.
have a great day