Upcoming Features - Improvements about Global Operating System Patches Inventory

Hello everyone,

As you may notice, @vitalsupport has provided us with a very helpful comments and feature requests about ITSM Patch Management here: https://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/pro…tch-management. As we are committed to do now and always, we have taken those feature requests seriously and turned those to serious roadmap items to be handled by our development teams. You can find attached our reaction to the recommendations and requests of @vitalsupport . You can find the requirements use cases and mock ups created for each item in the list of @vitalsupport list: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s150/…02bc1bc4d1928c

However, this is just the first draft. We are aware of the power of our community and we are bringing our requirement design to your attention. We are looking forward to hearing you more about these feature requests and upcoming requests.

I have created the seperate items for the group of items in the document you can review and vote for them using: https://one.comodo.com/voting/

I want to especially thanl Felipe for his input and collaboration. We are really grateful for this kind of approach and friendship.

Feel free to ask anything about the document and features! We will be here for you!

Best regards,
Emrah Samdan
Product Manager for IT&SM Patch Management, Monitoring & Procedures

FeatureRequestsforvitalsupport.pdf (478 KB)

Thanks @vitalsupport

its nice that they have taken your notes onboard and I look forward to seeing the mock ups on a PC tomorrow and hopefully contribute too.

Keep up the good work Comodo and the community!

excellent work all around. Huge thanks to Felipe for preparing the document and the Comodo team for putting into a format ready to feed our dev team. With this kind of superb collaboration C1 will be one amazing platform in no time.

Good document and good changes, should make things easier to find and deploy etc