Update software with msi and mst ONLY where it is already installed

We are upgrading to v12 of NitroPDF. We are licensed for about half of our total computers. Some of our computers have v10 and some have v11. Nitro provides a tool to create the MST file with all of the installation settings.

What I would like to do is use Comodo to install v12 (msi with mst) to only those machines that already have NitroPDF (any version) installed. I can’t just push it out to all computers as we dont have enough licenses. It’s also not necessary on the other half of our computers.

I know there is scripts to push out msi’s but this is a little different.

@matthew.hedtcke ,

We understand your request. We have coordinated with our Script Developers regarding your request. We will make sure to provide you an update as soon as possible.

Hi @matthew.hedtcke

we are analyzing your request and update you once the script has been completed.
Thank you.

Hello @matthew.hedtcke

We are happy to say that we have a solution with our ITSM service which exactly meets your request. Kindly, please refer the guide link :


Instead of making script, we work hard to hand your precious timeline back to you. In this guide please refer the section “Application” and follow the 3 steps which is displayed there.

Thank you.

That would work to push out the app but I dont see a way to include the new versions license or deploy the mst file with the settings. I have tried this with Comodo and it certainly updates it to v12 but it needs a new license file/product key.

That would work to push out the app but I dont see a way to include the new versions license or deploy the mst file with the settings. I have tried this with Comodo and it certainly updates it to v12 but it needs a new license file/product key.

@matthew.hedtcke ,

We thank you for clarifying the request. We have coordinated with our Script Developers for your request.


Got it. Thanks for your information. Started to work on this. Will update you shortly.

Thanks again.

Hello @matthew.hedtcke

So, you will be having msi and mst file in your endpoint right? Our script just need to install that msi file with mst properties right? I have tried to automate the generation of mst file for particular msi but it failed. If you have both msi and mst files in (fileshare) or (Endpoints) we can make it to be installed.

Waiting for your response.
Thank you.

I already have the mst file generated which contains the license for the new version as well as some other installation options/settings. I do have both files ready to deploy in a shared location on my network. The situation I have is I only want to install the msi with mst on endpoints that have some previous version of this application already installed. Otherwise I would use group policy to push it out. Unfortunately it would push to all of my computers and I dont have enough licenses for all of my computers.

Perfect. I will share you the script very soon. So, the script will check any version of Nitro pro has installed in the machine. If so, script will copy msi and mst files from network share to the machine and will update the existed version of nitro pro application. Is that ok?

Hello @matthew.hedtcke

Kindly, please refer the attached JSON file. Run this script as System user.
This script will update NITRO PRO version to 12 if any older version is installed on the machine.


  • sharepath=r'*************' ## Provide the network share file path
  • share_user="*************" ## Provide the user name for the shared path
  • share_pass="*************" ## Provide the password for the shared path
Enter MSI file first then MST file as given below based on architecture :
  • Files_X64=["nitro_pro12_x64.msi" , "nitro_pro12_x64.mst"] ## Enter the .msi and .mst file name for 64 bit. Please Enter msi file first then mst file.
  • Files_X86=["nitro_pro12_x32.msi", "nitro_pro12_x32.mst" ] ## Enter the .msi and .mst file name for 32 bit. Please Enter msi file first then mst file.
Please reef the guide link how to import JSON file : https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/how-to-import-a-procedure-and-execute-it

Thank you.

20180726-Nitro_Update.json (8.33 KB)

Great I will download and test it. Thanks for all of your help!