Upgrade of older RMM installs

Lately I’ve been having trouble with some of the instances of the RMM program that have been installed for some time. It looks like a bunch of my endpoints where the RMM install date is 8/2016 or prior are having issues. The ITSM has been upgraded but the RMM has not. In these cases I cannot connect via the RMM or ClientViewer. If I log in via another means (eg: Teamviewer) and uninstall the RMM the CCV starts working and allows me to install the RMM which works after it is done installing. I have a couple of questions:

  1. how can I get a list of the machines that have older RMM instaces
  2. Is there a procedure to uninstall the RMM and NOT the ITSM?


Hi Josh,

Support team will contact with you to help with this.

We can definitely give you a procedure to make things easy and automated.
