upgrade of the rmm communicator failing

anyone noticed that the last update is not working for any computer/server for the communication tool?

do you mean the new …19102 version?

We haven’t yet received any reported issue with regards to the latest version of communication client. Can you send us an email and provided us more details to c1-support@comodo.com?

Yes most of ours are stuck on 6.31.30538.19100

We’ve clicked update but they are not updating as exptected. will raise with c1-support.


@monster-it , Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please do send us an email to c1-support@comodo.com so we can help review your portal settings and check what would cause the issue.

I have and the suggestion was to remove and reinstall every device which is 35 devices across all our customers and production servers. This was not helpful as we cannot be calling customer and restarting servers that are in use 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I would like another answer to get this working or at least the dev team to fix the issue.

@monster-it ,

That is absolutely understandable. By the way, did you set any of these settings active on your profile? [Extra options]
If so, please try to disable and proceed with updating the current communication client to the latest one, and see if this solves your query. (this process will not reboot the machine)

We’ve not encountered any issues on Windows and generally allow agents to update a week or so after the release date.

Yeah but this has now happened to 50 machines. I’ve unticked the automatic upgrade now and see if that helps but if i’ve got to ring every client to get it uninstalled and reinstalled then i wont be very happy.

@monster-it ,

the growing numbers of outdated agents from your portal bears investigation. We have created a support ticket to assist you further with this continuing issue that you reported.