Urgent deployment of Microsoft Security KB (out of planned automatic updates)


Microsoft released 2 days ago critical vulnerability on Internet explorer: CVE-2019-1367

And this update is not associated today with an automatic update (maybe due to some technical issues observed at deployment in the different KB versions)

Complete list of KB associated to this vulnerability is here

Now, how to Apply those KB to our systems ?

I tried to look at the patch management module to find those KB, mainly

But not found,
so I assume we have to deploy them manually, and here is my request for advice, as I Don’t find any guideline,
I would assume that we can use “install Custom msi package ?” in each computer (a little painfull) but we also have to upload them on an https server as the download links of Microsoft are in http only…

I also not found any procedure that would allow to manually deploy a msu on a computer.

Hello @rbo,

We have sent you an email regarding on the above case. Please reply at your convenience.

Thank you.

so, now we are arround 2 weeks after my “urgent” request and nobody contacted me from the support… because I moved to “itarian” and not stayed as comodo user ?

so sad…

Hi @rbo , after @Anna_C response, you should get an email. Do you say you didn’t get it?