User Permisions

I am having issues with permissions in Patch Management. I can’t approve patches or delete Agents.

Specific error is ‘Operation Failed. Permission denied for user’

Hello @jlbreaux ,

Thank you for feedback! We have contacted you by email regarding this issue in order to obtain more information and help out with this issue.

Any updates?

Hello @jlbreaux ,

We will check if there are any updates available and get back to you on email.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Wanted to update this thread. I noticed this morning that I am unable to do these actions for one of my clients. I am able to do the approve / delete for my company though. Is this some permissions I can set, or do you guys have to do this?

Hello @jlbreaux ,

We have re-opened the case and we have just contacted you by email regarding this issue. Looking forward to your reply there.