
Does the Comodo CRM support vtiger Webforms? I wanted to add a contact form to my website that would link into the CRM.

Hello @indieserve

Thank you for your interest in Comodo One and its modules.

This feature is not yet provided in Comodo CRM. We will forward your inquiry as a feature request and we will get back to you as soon as possible with more updates.

Hello @indieserve ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q1 2017.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

+1 for webforms

Just curious, since we’re pretty much at the end of Q1 - did Webforms get added to CRM? I poked around yesterday and didn’t see it but I’m not that familiar with the UI. It’s kind of a deal killer for me in terms of CRM, I’m redoing my website and want to include contact/product order forms that go straight into the CRM. I’ve got Zurmo set up on a test server that can do this, so I’ll just go ahead and use it if the feature isn’t complete yet, but just thought I’d ask as I’d prefer to keep things integrated and on the C1 platform as much as possible.

Hi indieserve

 We will give you an update whether this feature was or was not implemented this Q1 2017. Thank you for your patience

Hi @indieserve and @sbizit,

The development team is planning to add vtiger Webforms in CRM in Q3 of 2017.

We appreciate your patience.