
I have requested this elsewhere, but thought I might add it here

Hello @frederikbay,

We will communicate with you shortly via email for the process of your request.

Thank you.

Hi @frederikbay,
Please could you help me to understand what you mean by Webroot?
Best Regards.

Hi @Can

Here is a link https://www.webroot.com/
This is just what we use now at all our clients, so would make sense with some integration
best regards

@frederikbay ,

Thank you for the link. This will aid us in determining your request. We will inform @Can as well with your response. We will use the support ticket we’ve sent you initially for any additional info that we may require.

Hi @frederikbay ,
Sorry, I couldn’t express my question properly. As I understand you provide security for your endpoints using Webroot and want it to be compatible with ITSM. Could you tell us what aspects of Webroot most valuable to you are?

I’m curious too, other than price I can’t see why anyone would use Webroot over Comodo AEP.

I really like webroot, has been really great - but now we are moving all our endpoints to Comodo - just much easier with a single pane of glass

So no need to support webroot from our point of view.