What exactly is free regarding Endpoint Security

Currently nothing no action is taken, but that does not mean things will not change.

I’m sure as Comodo have worked on trust for years they will not just pull the rug from under you, but contact or warning in some manner first.

Best thing is to not be under licensed as the new reports should help with that.

And if you need licenses please let me know.

thank you!
All is clear now!

My pleasure, and if I can help with licenses please let me know

I’m a brand new user and all I saw was that post which made me wonder. I’ll purchase licenses once I’ve decided I’m sticking with the platform.

Makes perfect sense.

Anything we can do to help please ask.

Oh for frigs sake… When did AV become a paid service? The only email notification I received in my email was a licensing report for EM+Valk and the Roleback of CCS.

Unfortunately AV has ways been a paid service from Comodo and any other supplier out their.

In the terms and conditions which no one reads it does state this.

Ive been using Comodo for almost 2 years now. And it was definitely free in June of 2017 when I signed up as a member. This blog post in September also states as such. https://one.comodo.com/blog/msp/the-good-the-bad-and-the-unknown-files.php

So I would love to know when Endpoint Protection became a paid service. And why I cannot find any information on when it changed.

Hi @cwhsupport , I see the blog post and believe the issue here is bad marketing and translation into English.
The Comodo One or C1 which is now Itarian is free; these tools are systems used to monitor and protect your devices are free.

The Antivirus system is then and had always been a charged component which has been given out in a trust manager for licenses.

Any of the Comodo or Itarian staff correct me if I’m wrong but I’m 100% sure it is this as we also started at the same time.