When will iOS10.X be supported by ITSM Mobile management


I know that i can install Comodo Device manager and push profiles to iOS10 devices, but when i encounter a problem, Comodo support has only one answer: Please use iOS 9X beacuse iOS 10.X is not supported.

When i can expect iOS 10.X be fully compatible with CDM?

May want to wait until they get all the kinks worked out of the Windows version, before they try to move on. I have all kinds of issues trying to get it to work on the native platform…


There is just one known issue with IOS 10 during enrollment. Other than that, it should work. Enrollment problem will be addressed in April or May release but until then you can use the below workaround to enroll your devices.

Please follow the steps explained here: https://help.comodo.com/topic-399-1-…s-devices.html

Sometimes, we see that the application enrollment is not completed after “To complete the enrollment, tap the green ‘Run After Install’ icon on the Home screen” step. In this case, please go to ITSM portal - device details screen (the device you recently enrolled with profile installation) and send command “Send Agent Enrollment Link”.

This would re-create the green icon on your device desktop. You can repeat the steps explained on help guide starting from “To complete the enrollment, tap the green ‘Run After Install’ icon on the Home screen” step. This should do the trick for you.
