Which PM to use

I was wondering which PM you recommend we use, I have the agent installed, but CDM also has PM built into it?? I also noticed that they are not always in unison with each other. In either case, I did not see a way to set up schedules for update installations, in CDM, but have it set up in my PM module. This is becoming a little confusing to me, and I am just trying to get this all figured out, so I can use the software more efficiently. Thanks!!!

Hello @BOSS ,

Indeed, the patch module in CDM is using its own agent (integrated in CDM agent so you don’t have to install a different agent for that) and it is part of our plan to integrate RMM and PM into CDM. The schedules for update installation in CDM, they are scheduled to be implemented on March 30th 2016. PM already offers this option through policies that can be scheduled to run at certain times.

Regarding your question of which software you should use right now, I think that the answer is the same as in answering the question ‘Is scheduled patch installation important or not?’. If you really need this function now, then you should continue using PM until the scheduling will be implemented in CDM (after that PM agent can be easily removed through RMM), but if you think that installing the updates manually from CDM is also an option for the time being, then you might just switch to CDM patch module, because like I said, CDM will support scheduled installation in the near future.

I hope that this will clarify at least some of your concerns.

@Nick, Thanks for the clarification, I will continue to use PM then, as I do not really have time to manually update so many systems, thanks!!!

Hello @rrrryyyyaaaannnn,

Thank you for using Comodo One.

In order to understand which agent is which, please note that ITSM is the new name for CDM. ITSM (old CDM) and RMM are using different agents.

ITSM Agent can be installed either by using Enroll Device option or Bulk Installation Package.

After you will install ITSM Agent you can install the RMM Agent too by using Install RMM Agent like you did in step 2.

As about Patch Management Agent if you want to install it from ITSM > Install MSI/Packages the command line should be “/qn AGENTUSERNAME=agent_xxx PASSWORD=yyy CUSTOMER=zzz IPADDRESS=patch.comodo.com” without “/i patch_agent.msi”

You can also install Patch Management Agent from the RMM Administration Console.

In order to install RMM Administration Console go to ITSM > Devices > Devices List > select a device > Takeover > you can download RMM Console x86 or x64. In the RMM Console, go to Procedures, Create a new procedure and use the Application Installer action.
Inside Application Installer you have the possibility to choose Install Type: Patch management install.
That is predefined, so nothing more to do but save the procedure and run it on the desired machines.
Please keep in mind that Patch Management agent might show up in the Patch Management Console with a delay of 10 - 15 minutes.

Hello @rrrryyyyaaaannnn ,

Keep in mind that the agent will show up in Patch Management usually after 10 - 15 minutes (also the patches that are displayed in ITSM are displayed by COCS agent, not by the PM agent that you have installed). Also, please make sure that in Patch Management you have selected from where you have copied the install command.

Regarding the report filter request, I will forward it to the developers and we will get back to you as soon as we have an outcome on this.

​Thank you for your feedback!

Hello @rrrryyyyaaaannnn ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested (Ability to generate reports per company) will be addressed in Q3.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

Hello @rrrryyyyaaaannnn ,

Regarding your feature requests, Ability to disable the widget from ITSM dashboard and Ability to remove the Shared Space icon, they have been implemented in ITSM and you can enable/disable them from Profiles. Please check the help page for additional info.

Hello @BOSS ,

Regarding the feature that you have requested (Install patches at scheduled times in ITSM), we have implemented this feature in the latest ITSM version that was released this Saturday. To be able to install patches at scheduled times you will have to create a Patch procedure (Configuration Templates > Procedures > Create > Create Patch Procedure) that can be edited afterwards and it can be ran on demand (from ‘Run’ button at the top).

Thank you.