Which products do you want to see integrated into Comodo ONE portal?


I will forward your feedback. Thank you.

You should create more plug ins than any other RMM system. We cannot be limited to TightVNC. Not enough controls or options available. The RMM solution is mediocre at best, as all things VNC that I have seen in the last 20 years. UltraVNC has a mirror driver and it makes all the difference in the world, along with many other plugins. The ability to link out to ScreenConnect, LogMeIn, BeAnywhere, Team Viewer, Microsoft RDP, RemoteUtilities, UltraVnc would be most helpful. The remote desktop is where we spend most of our time, so it is IMHO, one of the most important aspect of a package like this. No matter what you do, it will always be VNC, and the compression / video display will probably never be as good as the other tools. Someplace in the admin console, to give a drop-down for a short-cut “TakeOver” would be a seemingly easy addition. For example, we could link to Microsoft .rdp file and choose it if we do not need to interact with the viewer, or choose UltraVNC .vnc file to spin up a remote control session.

Hello @Rickkee ,

I will forward your request to be analyzed and perhaps implemented in a future version of Comodo One.

Thank you for your feedback!

Hi @Rickkee @Nick ,
I Agree 100% with Rickkee also would be nice to be able to host our own repeater for UVNC and configure our Company RMM Console settings to connect and deploy agents with our repeaters settings. this would allow us to host locally and increase speed and latency. We currently make use of ChunkVNC to compile UVNC and run our in-house RD support and it works pretty well much quicker and more efficient

Hello @Marveltec

I will forward your feedback as well in the form of a feature request.
Thank you.


We have been using an opensource cloud backup solution (own server/data centre) called Urbackup which works really well and i think it will be a great edition to the Comodo MSP product offering if it was integrated with the Comodo One Portal

Hello @Marveltec

This has been forwarded as a feature request as well.
Thank you for your feedback.

Hi @Ethan ,

Perfect thank you for the update