WHMCS module for billing?

Some MSPs using WHMCS who are also doing hosting and other recurring-revenue things (as WHMCS excels at this). It would be really cool if Comodo One created a WHMCS integration module so that we could automatically invoice customers from ServiceDesk to WHMCS (depending on the contract type etc.) since WHMCS has Stripe/Paypal integration this gives MSPs a low cost way to have direct invoicing integration with C1 along with automatic payment in WHMCS. WHMCS also integrates a bunch of other things MSPs use (Cloudberry, cPanel hosting, domain registration, etc.) and it’s not difficult to write modules for.

Thanks in advance for considering this feature.

Hi @indieserve,

Thank you for suggesting this feature request. We will have the support team look into integrating WHMCS with the platform.
We will send you an email regarding this request.

Thank you.

i like the idea.


Comodo Team i would also love to see this as well i know it will add more vaule to the system

Hello @mkwserver ,

Feature Request: C1 add-on for WHMCS is already part of the roadmap and and planned to be delivered by the end of Q3 2018.
For your convenience, I will also add you on the loop and we will get in touch with you shortly via

Thank you for choosing Comodo ONE!

Kind Regards,

Ok please keep me also updated.

Hi @anandm
We went ahead and looped you in to the feature request for a C1 add-on for WHMCS. As mentioned in a previous post above, the current scheduled release of this feature is on Q3 2018.

As we are now in Q3 of 2018, is there an update on this integration?

Based on the product roadmap, @pcgntx, the feature request for the WHMCS module is on a mid-term (6-12 months) implementation timeline.

i like your suggestion and very really informative…

I would really love to see a WHMCS plugin that would take over the Support Tickets AND Billing part of ComodoONE MSP. It would be beautiful if I could continue my main system (WHMCS) for my operations, reply on support ticket and send bills to customers while using ComodoONE MSP.

Hello @wierengaict,

We have created a ticket and added you on this loop so that you will be updated in case the feature request is already available.