WIKI:How to check complete details about the specific patch?

Step [1]: Go to ITSM > APPLICATIONS > Patch Management and Click over any patch from the table

Check the General Information of the patch application

File Name - Name of the file

Version - Version number of the file

Vendor Severity - It is status of Severity of the Vendor

  • Important - Important patch, you may update or not
  • Critical - patch, you should update for the security of your system
  • Recommended - patch, you are recommended for update
  • Normal - you may update or not
Release Date - Date of the patch released

KB - Microsoft Knowledge Base is a repository of articles made available to the public by Microsoft Corporation. It contains information on many problems encountered by users of Microsoft products. Each article bears an ID number and articles are often referred to by their Knowledge Base (KB) ID.

Description - Purpose of the package is given here

Step [2]: Click Vendor tab and Check out the Vendor Information

Vendor name - Name of the vendor

Vendor severity - It is status of Severity of the Vendor

  • Important - Important patch, you may update or not
  • Critical - patch, you should update for the security of your system
  • Recommended - patch, you are recommended for update
  • Normal - you may update or not
Support URL - URL of the vendor to support the package queries

Step [3]: Click the Security Patch Info tab and check out the information

Supercedes - The respective security bulletins will list the superseded patches, and you have to check for Security Update Replacement in the bulletin.

Bulletin - a brief public notice issuing for the patch release usually from an authoritative source

Supercedes bulletin ID - ID of the security bulletins and knowledge-base articles superseded by the patch

Release date - Date of the release of the Suprecedes

Step [4]: Click the Bulletin tab and check out the information

ID - Unique number to identify Bulletin of the patch

Description - Purpose of the patch release

Step [5]: Click the CVE IDs to check out the information

CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a catalog of known security threats.