WIKI:How to configure 'Monitoring' in profiles ?

Step [1]. Go to Configuration templates > profiles >Click “Profile” applied to device that requires monitoring.

Step [2]. Choose ‘Monitoring’ from the ‘Add Profile Section’ drop-down. The ‘Monitoring’ screen will be displayed.

Step [3]. Enter details for “General” tab as below,

  • 'Monitoring Name' - Enter name for the monitoring configuration.
  • 'Description' - Describe few words about your monitoring configuration.
  • 'Trigger alert any' - Choose any one of drop down options mentioned below,
    • ' Any of the conditions are met '- Choose this option if you want alert when any of the condition satisfied.
    • 'All of the conditions are met '- Choose this option if you want alert when all conditions satisfied.
  • 'Use alert settings' - Select "Alert settings" from search box for this monitor.
  • ' Auto Remediation on alert ' - choose any of the options as mentioned below,
    • 'Take no action' - Select this option if no action needs to done upon "Monitor alert"
    • 'Run below procedure' - Select "Procedure" from search box to run upon alert.

Step [4]. Click ‘Add Condition’ . Select condition from drop down menu shown.

    1. For example : Select “Ping” condition to monitor ping status for the host.

Step [5]. Fill condition details as mentioned below,

  • 'Host Name' - Enter host machine name or IP address to be checked.
  • 'Condition' - Choose option as described below,
    • 'is down' - Select this option if you want to generate alert when host is down.
    • 'is online'- Select this option if you want to generate alert when host is available.
  • 'During' - Specify time period for which condition to be monitored .
    • Select 'sec' to monitor condition for specified seconds.
    • Select 'min' to monitor condition for specified minutes.
  • Click 'Create' to save changes.

Step [6]. Repeat step 4 to add additional conditions to the monitoring. All monitor conditions will be listed for each 'Monitoring ’ .

Step [7]. To remove a monitoring condition, select the check box beside it and click ‘Remove Condition’ at the top.

Step [8]. Click ‘Save’ to apply changes for the monitoring.Monitoring conditions will be applied to devices where current profile applied.