WIKI: How to create a new staff and change role?

ITSM can have Global as well as local users as mentioned below viz,
1.Global user accounts are created from Staff Management in C1 portal.Once Global user account created, he/she will have can access all the c1 modules including ITSM.
2.Additionally, Local user can be created within IT and Security Manager.

1.Staff Management.

Step [1]: Click Staff Management menu.

Step [2]: Select Staff and click New Staff. The “New Staff” dialog box appears and enter the following details,

1.A login username of the user.

2.Email id of the user.

3.Select a default role for the user from the list.

4.Click Save and the staff will be added to the list.

Step [3]: A Confirmation mail will be sent to the user’s mail id for the verification.


Step [4]: Edit the staff to change the role of the existing user,

1.Click on the name of the staff and click edit.

2.Click the drop-down menu of the role and select the default role.


2.IT And Security Manager

Step [1]: Go to ITSM.

Step [2]: Go to Users and then click User list menu.

Step [3]: Click Create User button and Create New user dialog box appears and fill the following details.

1.User Name - Enter the login user name for the user

2.Email - Enter the user’s mail id.

3.Phone number - Enter the phone number.

4.Company - Select the company from the dropdown

5.Assign Role - Select the roles from the assign role drop down.

Step [4]: Click Submit. The user will be added to the list and a confirmation mail will send to the user for account activation.

Note: The account activation mail will send to the users with the role such as Administrator, Technician, and custom role with administrative access.

Step [5]: The staff that has been created will also be added to the users list of the ITSM.

Step [6]: Go to Users menu and click Role management to modify the role of the user.

Step [7]: Click on Users tab.

Step [8]: Click on the name of the user.

Step [9]: Click the link

1.“Assign to role” - To assign the role to the user.

2.“ Remove from role” - To reassign the role of the user.