WIKI: How to create rule set of the firewall on windows profile?


Rulesets - Allows combining rules as ruleset as a predefined one


Step [2]: Click Create icon and Choose the Create Windows Profile from the drop down menu

Step [3]: Enter the Name, Description of the profile and Click the Create button

Step [4]: Click Add Profile Section and Choose Firewall from the drop down


Step [5]: Click the Confirm button


There are some necessary settings to be completed to continue further on advanced firewall profile

Step [6]: Select the Rulesets tab and Click the button Add Ruleset if you would like to add new Ruleset


Name - Enter the name if you want to customize

Copy from… - Select the ruleset if you want to copy existing ruleset for the new ruleset


If want to use predefined ruleset,

Select Ruleset from ‘Copy from …’ drop down

Select the desired one from the ‘Please select …’ drop down and Click OK button

Check whether you have the added ruleset on the table and Click the Save button

If you want to use user-defined ruleset,

Select ‘Another application’ from the ‘Copy from …’ drop down

Select the desired one from the ‘Please select …’ drop down and Click OK button

Check whether you have the added rule set on the table and Click the button Save to submit your settings

Step [7]: Click Profiles menu and check whether the profile has been added to the table.